cooking garden spring winter

Signs of spring and renewal

forsythiaSpring! In the form of forsythia forced to bloom indoors.

I’ve been away. I’m sorry for neglecting to tend this blog, my garden, my life.

Winter came and it was cold and damp and the sun didn’t shine for days. Some of you out there understand the condition known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD) which afflicts people during the dark of the year. I could never live in the Pacific northwest because of the weather, the leaden sky, the incessant rain. I know it can be beautiful there and I remember a particularly spectacular July when I visited Seattle for business when the sky was blue and the air was crisp while back home it was humid and 98 degrees at 10 o’clock in the morning.

And there have been changes at our little estate on Lydia Street.  A job I (Dianna) held for almost exactly 12 years abruptly ended. And Christe added a part-time position as the choir director for a Unitarian Universalist church that we both love. And our close friends decided to become foster parents to a new baby two months before they learned they were pregnant meaning that our weekly “family dinners” are plus one and aren’t every week any longer.

Soon I’ll post photos of our new/shared home office and music studio where I’m starting my freelance writing and communications consulting practice. I’ll also get back into the Friday Dog Photo routine and share my (almost perfected) scone recipe.

And if the weather WOULD EVER WARM UP I’ll write about how we’re composting and show you early spring garden clean-up photos and share our garden plans for the upcoming season.

Thanks for your patience.

~ Dianna

By Dianna Ott

Lydia Street is about an old house, a new garden and the adventures of the lovely and talented occupants, Dianna and Christe. We love our dogs; we love to cook; we love to garden; and we have too many house projects going on at the same time. We also have plenty of stories to tell.

4 replies on “Signs of spring and renewal”

I’m so glad to see you back! I’ve missed your puppy pictures and also your amazing Lydia St. horticulture . I understand about abrupt job end – my husband left his job on November 15. Don’t be too hard on yourself and of course with a supportive spouse like Christe (who takes on another part-time job….uh, not me!) you are going to be just fine! P.S. – My daughter and her husband had a baby exactly 11 months ago. Daughter’s best friend and her wife have found a few disrupted dinners and specific hang out times that daughter can’t always do nowadays and it’s been a bit disheartening to them – hang in there and be the best aunts you can be! in fact, that’s how we refer to Jen and Jen (The Aunts)! hugs and kisses!

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