animals dogs Friday Dog Photo

Friday Dog Photo: Piper’s eye

Close up of a dog's eye

Australian Shepherds like Piper have the most interesting eyes. They can range from very light blue to deep brown, including both colors in one eye, like this one.

More Friday Dog Photos:

Have you ever really looked at an Australian Shepherd’s nostrils?

Adia lounges about on the sofa


cooking food garden

Sweet 100s are our favorite tomato

basket filled with red ripe cherry tomatoes

This is the third year we’ve grown the cherry tomato variety “Sweet 100,” so-named for the quantity of fruit it produces. I think it should be renamed “Sweet 1000” because man-o-man these plants keep delivering.

We pick the amount in the photo above EVERY DAY. Which means we have to eat that many every day. Just the two of us.

“Here, have some tomatoes with your morning coffee, dear. What’s that?! You don’t want tomatoes in your lunch again? Well I’m sorry, but if you don’t eat your fair share we will be eating them for dinner. Again.”

Last year we had six plants. Every day we each took a quart-sized bag to our respective workplaces to give away. And because they are SWEET (like the name, Sweet 100) our friends started eating them like candy, popping them into their mouths. Two, maybe three at a time.

This year, we wisely bought only two plants. Any day now we’ll experiment with drying them. If they don’t bury us first.

food travel

Deep Fried Girl Scout Cookies were the hit of the Kentucky State Fair

Here in Kentucky we know about good food. After all, we invented Fried Chicken (the brand), Papa John lives here, Ale-8-One was first bottled in 1926, and (oh yeah) there’s the whole bourbon thing. I never said the food we promote here is good for you, but it sure does taste good.

New at the Kentucky State Fair this year was Deep Fried Girl Scout Cookies. They were delicious. You could order Samoas, Thin Mints or Tagalongs that were dipped in batter and deep-fried. Four cookies to an order for $5 or a sampler with two of each type for $7. I had the Samoas and thought they were delicious. I love to order food that I can’t make at home and this certainly met my criteria.

Now, if I’d only had a shot of Maker’s Mark to wash them down with …

photo challenge photography travel weekly photo challenge

Weekly Photo Challenge: Urban

sign post with 20 different directions

I searched through my photo archives to find this photo taken in Portland, Oregon a few years ago to meet this week’s photo challenge of “urban.”

animals photography summer travel

Another interesting character from the Kentucky State Fair

funny photo of  a mule

At the Kentucky State Fair is a special barn for mules and jacks. Mules are the offspring of mares (female horses) and jacks (male donkeys). Mules cannot reproduce.

I don’t know if this is a mule or a jack. I don’t think I asked enough questions.

animals photography travel

Hello Colonel!

white rooster with red comb and wattle

Remember Colonel Foghorn Leghorn? Doesn’t this fellow remind you of him just a little bit?

This was just one of the many characters I met over the weekend at the Kentucky State Fair. You’ll be hearing more about that later but I just couldn’t wait to share this photograph of a a giant rooster with you.

decorating flowers garden photography

Bright and beautiful sunflower bouquet

sunflower bouquet in blue mason jarSome of the sunflowers survived the terrible storm incident earlier in the summer.

They are hardy plants, and although our plan to disguise the neighbor’s house didn’t turn out as well as we thought it would, we have been able to enjoy the flowers very much.

dogs Friday Dog Photo photography

Friday Dog Photo – Adia and Milk Bone

tiny dog looking up at milk bone dog treat Apologies for this out-of-focus instagram photo taken by cellphone but we just loved the bright-eyed eager little dog face expression as Adia waits for her beloved Milk Bone.

cooking food pie of the month

Pie of the Month Club – Peach

Did we tell you about our family’s “Pie of the Month” club?

A few years ago we opened the best Christmas present ever — a promise of a homemade pie each month from Christe’s mother.

When we drove up to our favorite orchard last Saturday morning we bought enough peaches for us and for this month’s pie.

canning food

Low Sugar Peach Jam

yellow orange and red peach slices close up

It’s been a good year for peaches in the Ohio Valley. Despite the dry weather, our favorite orchard had no shortage when we made our pilgrimage upriver to buy fruit last weekend.

Bray Orchard Bedford Kentucky box of peaches

Last year, when we made peach jam, we tried the low-sugar version and had great success. The low sugar version includes one cup of no-sugar-added apple juice. This year we thought we’d reduce the sugar even more because the peaches are so sweet on their own. One box made two batches of jam.

blue bowl of fresh slices of peaches

The first batch we made used only one cup of sugar. The second batch used two cups of sugar.

mason jars of peach jam with handwritten labels

Reducing the sugar also reduces the overall volume of jam, resulting in fewer jars. We marked jars with one star or two stars to help us remember which jars had more sugar.